Free & Low-Cost Ways To Bless Others


I truly believe most people have good and caring hearts. They want to help, but may not be able to afford it. Charity can take many forms; writing a check is only one of them (not the most important). Here are some free & low-cost ways to bless others:

* Bring a meal

This is always a blessing for any family. Take a meal in good times (to a Bris) or bad time (to the Shivah house). A pasta dish is very affordable, or put together a basket of in-season, on-sale fruit. I also love to bring a breakfast basket filled with bananas, bagels, cream cheese and a jug of juice. Lower your cost further by grabbing items from your own pantry or buy with coupons.

* Share your skills

Help an unemployed friend with a resume. Make a budget with someone who’s struggling financially. Help them organize a yard sale or items for EBay to raise quick cash.

* Baby Sit

This is especially welcome for brand-new mothers, moms of multiple little ones, or someone with a special needs child of any age.

* Listen

During conversations do you truly listen or just wait to talk? Be a good listener. Have compassion. Many burdens can be lessened simply by sharing them.

* Household Help

Do laundry, cook, clean, or iron. Don’t forget the yard; shovel snow or rake leaves. Wash the car. Anything that needs to be done to make the house a haven of tranquility. A chaotic atmosphere will only add to their stress.

* Pray 

No matter what problem an individual is facing, prayer can only improve the situation. Ask if they want to pray together. If they are not a person of faith, ask if you can pray for them. If they say no, be respectful.


* Pet Care

Walk and/or groom dogs. Cats love to be played with. Feed the fish. If they need to be away overnight, stay with the animals or bring them to your home. You could also help a local animal shelter.

* Illness Assistance

Drive someone who’s sick to the doctor or therapy. Pick up their prescriptions. Take toys, books, and games to a Children’s hospital. Try to distract them from their troubles. Illness is incredibly isolating and depressing. Don’t let them struggle alone.

* Senior Care

Many seniors are widowed. Their friends have died and they might have grown children that moved away or visit infrequently. Call a senior and ask if you may stop by. Take them out somewhere for the day. Ask them to share their memories. If you don’t know any personally, visit a nursing home.

* Pay it forward

Buy the person behind you in line a coffee. Pay their toll. Pay their tab. Ask them to return the favor. Spread joy.

* Compliment

Whether it’s someone you know or a total stranger, a compliment is always appreciated. You don’t have to gush, just be sincere. Everyone has something special about them, so it’s not hard to think of a compliment.

* Donate

Anything you’re no longer using can be donated to those in need—food, clothes, furniture, excess from the stockpile, etc. The items don’t have to be perfect, but please use common sense. Useless garbage belongs in the trash.

* Fundraise

If you have more time than money, you can help a favorite cause solicit donations, either on the phone, in-person, or through the mail.

* Pick up waste

If you see any kind of waste on the street, dispose of it. Set up a recycle box at home or work. Keeping our environment clean benefits everyone.


* Foster

If you feel you can provide a loving home for a child in need, seriously consider opening your doors. There are so many kids that languish in the system for years without a “Forever Family” to call their own. Be a temporary help until they do. If a child is too much of a commitment, you can also be an animal foster parent. My sister, Jackie, has fostered kittens and it was amazing!

* Write letters

A hand-written letter is becoming a relic. Send a letter to someone who truly needs it—anyone who’s sick, deployed, or incarcerated. All of those folks need a kind word to remind them they’re not forgotten.

* Create

If you do any kind of handiwork, there are those in need who would love your creations. Make blankets for abandoned babies, the homeless, elderly, etc.

* Educate

Whether it’s volunteering in a classroom, teaching literacy skills, or donating excess school supplies, you can help educate someone for very little.

* Vacation for a purpose

On your next vacation, you could volunteer to build houses for Habitat for Humanity or travel overseas to a 3rd World country.

* Tip big

If you receive great service at a restaurant or salon, leave a big tip. Write a nice note on the receipt and leave it with the money.

* Empathize

If you see a parent struggling in public with an out-of-control child, make a kind comment. Don’t judge. You have no idea what they’re going through.


Anytime I’ve tried one of these free and low-cost ways to bless others, it has made me feel blessed in return. Isn’t it amazing how that works? Be the change you want to see in this world. As it states in the Talmud, “And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.”

5 thoughts on “Free & Low-Cost Ways To Bless Others

  1. Lea

    Love this list! Thanks so much for sharing (I popped over from Money Saving Mom). I needed some fresh ideas as our budget gets smaller and smaller. So many of your ideas are easy to do too, which makes me think “Oh, I can do that!”

    If I can add one more: A couple of single young adults from our church go to a neighborhood senior center one day a week to play games with the seniors there. They love it and so do the seniors! This goes along with your ideas but I thought I’d share anyway.

    Thanks again,

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Welcome Lea! I’m really glad you enjoyed it. I LOVE your tip about helping seniors. So many of them are isolated/alone and at times, they probably feel totally forgotten. Spending time with them is a great way to cheer them up and show appreciation. Great advice.

  2. bookishtrish

    I popped over from Money Saving Mom too. A great post. Sometimes I hardly can make ends meet. So this is wonderful advice to those who still want to give. Thank you

