Keeping Teen Drivers Safe


Scary statistic: Car crashes are the #1 killer of teens. When I first heard that, I assumed it was caused by risky behavior, but the truth is that teens crash most often due to inexperience (makes sense, right?).  Another factor that ups the risk is distraction, specifically having other passengers in the car. Just one passenger raises a teen driver’s fatal crash risk 44 percent! Two passengers doubles it, while three or more quadruples the crash risk. Isn’t that frightening?

This is a topic that’s been very much on my mind since my nephew got his license. Since he will be living at our home for the summer, my husband and I have been discussing what the rules will be. After a lot of back-and-forth, we decided on 4 non-negotiable rules: he must drive alone or be accompanied by an adult, he must wear a seatbelt, no calls/texting, and he must not drive at night.

Another great place to find advice is Drive It HOME, a website intended for anyone who has a newly licensed teen driver. They have tons of free resources like infographics and videos. I really enjoyed their presentation, Steer Your Teen Down the Right Road, which stressed the important of staying involved and continuing the conversation. If we want teens to drive safely, we have to give constant reminders, and be willing to have open communication without judgment or repercussions!

And an incentive never hurts, either. Provided he behaves responsibly and follows all our rules, we’ve promised to buy a used car before Labor Day. His request? A white Toyota Yaris. Our response? Maybe!

