10 Healthy Hair Foods


Need another reason to eat better? How about beautiful hair? Next time you’re tackling the “what’s-for-dinner” question, make it easy with this list of 10 hair-healthy foods. Most not only boost growth and shine, they also pack a huge nutritional punch. 

1.  Lentils

A hearty source of B vitamins, namely biotin and folic acid, lentils promote healthy and fast-growing hair by supplying oxygen to follicles and renewing cells.

2. Red Peppers

Irresistibly crunchy and impressive when stuffed, they’re also a rich—and unexpected–source of vitamin C. A half  cup contains 95 mg, about one fifth of the daily recommended 500 mg of vitamin C.

3.  Beef

Hair is 97% protein, so it’s a no-brainer that meat can pump up hair growth. Beef is full of iron and other nutrients. Look for lean cuts to minimize fat consumption.


4.  Greek Yogurt

Besides being creamy and almost unbelievably low in fat, Greek yogurt is packed with shiny hair nutrients: vitamin D for strong follicles, protein, frizz-fighting vitamin B6, and zinc.

5.  Carrots

Most people cite sweet potatoes as the best source of vitamin A (aka beta-carotene) which is, among other things, necessary for skin and vision health. It’s also essential for sebum production, which conditions your scalp and hair. If it’s difficult to think of sweet potatoes beyond Thanksgiving, the versatile carrot is a good alternative and easy to fit into your regular diet. Just two raw baby carrots exceeds your regular daily intake of vitamin A. They also make any salad brighter and more delicious.

6.  Kale

This super green is like a multi-vitamin for your hair. One cup of the vegetable contains your daily allowance of beta-carotene for cell growth and collagen-boosting vitamin C. It also helps replenish your body’s iron reserve, which promotes blood circulation. What’s more a combination of omega fatty acids, 3 and 6, when together strengthens strands and increases the rate of hair growth. 



7.  Berries

In addition to adding pretty color to your plate, berries are full of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects against wrinkles. It also helps your body absorb iron more effectively—good news for nourished follicles—and helps in the production of collagen, great for skin’s elasticity and capillaries that deliver nutrients to your hair.

8.  Eggs

Give new life to brittle hair with eggs for breakfast. There are about as many beauty benefits to eggs as there are ways to cook them. Eggs are a great source of biotin, the B vitamin responsible for fast Rapunzel-esque hair growth. They also help the body store up iron for circulation for follicle health and contain zinc, protein, and selenium.


9.  Salmon

Famously known for its omega-3 fatty acids, wild-caught salmon is a chic choice for beauty-loving gourmets. Good for a well-balanced scalp and loaded with protein, iron, and vitamin B.

10.  Nuts

Another reliable and delicious source of omega-3, nuts of all kinds help to keep hair glossy and scalps moisturized and flake-free. 


How do you keep your hair healthy?

1 thought on “10 Healthy Hair Foods

  1. TJ Eans

    I take a vitamin B supplement and do an avocado treatment once a week. Thanks for the food tips, though. It’s always great to learn even more ways to keep my hair looking nice and healthy.

