Monthly Archives: June 2014

My Cumberland Farms Prize Pack Arrived!


A big thanks to the wonderful folks at Cumberland Farms for sending me this amazing prize pack! It contained an assortment of goodies—sunglasses, Frisbee, pencils, lip balm, a beach ball, and much more!

I loved getting a free Chill Zone almost as much.

For those of you who live outside of New England, let me familiarize you with this awesome chain. They have great coffee, snacks, and other tasty items. If you’re ever in the area, stop in. You won’t regret it!

How Cashiers Effect The Couponing Experience

Smiling Cashier at Counter

Do mean cashiers hold you back from couponing? You are not alone! Michelle left the following comment, in response to my Extreme Couponing at Walgreens:

“I want to try this so bad, but the cashiers at my store are SO RUDE! I hate the way they make me feel when I use a coupon.”

Michelle, I was in the exact same position back in 2008, when I first started my couponing journey. While I never once considered quitting, there were times that cashiers embarrassed me, frustrated me, and even yelled at me on occasion! Here are a few tricks I’ve learned along the way to make cashiers nicer, using Rite Aid as an example:

1. Location, Location, Location

Yes, that’s a phrase I used daily in my career as a realtor, but it also applies to couponing. Don’t assume all Rite Aids are evil because you had a bad experience at one location. In my area, I have 3 Rite Aids, but only one of them is “mine.” Drug stores vary greatly, not just chain-to-chain, but store-to-store. The quality of the stock, cleanliness, and the cashiers can be world’s apart. Don’t rule out anything until you’ve shopped multiple locations.

2. Be friendly

This may seem obvious, but human beings subconsciously mirror and if you’re grouchy or pushy, the cashier will respond in kind. Don’t go in with a bad or combative attitude. Say hello, ask how their day is going. Leave a positive impression for all couponers. We get a bad reputation, due to a few crazies. Yes, Mama June, I’m talking to you…


3. Build bridges

If you intend to coupon regularly, at the same location, you’re going to interact with the same cashiers—a lot! Try being the “Nice Coupon Queen,” by offering a token of gratitude.

Whenever I need overage to use a Rite Aid Up Reward that’s just slightly under, I add in a $0.30 caramel and always offer it to the cashier. I have never once been refused. Quite the contrary, you’d be surprised how far this simple gesture goes to build good will.

4. Do for those who do for you

When a cashier is especially nice, tell their store manager. Take the receipt survey and give great feedback. Better yet, call corporate! I guarantee it’ll be appreciated. (Conversely, if you have a truly horrible experience, tell corporate that, too. They really do take these things seriously.) I called corporate to praise 3 teenagers that work nights at my Rite Aid. These kids are awesome and they deserve recognition. That was a few years ago and they still talk about it when I come into the store.


5. Cashiers are not the enemy

I’ve seen some couponers treat cashiers like an enemy. If the coupon beeps, they get nasty. If the coupon is expired, they try to fight it. If a certain deal isn’t in stock, they will holler to no end. Cashiers truly do not want to prevent us from using legit coupons! If an item is gone, get a rain check. If you’re trying to push fake and/or expireds, you deserve a bad reaction! Be ethical and the cashiers will be, too.

Over time, I’ve become friendly with many cashiers. Like any other long-term association, I’ve heard about their lives and problems. I frequently hear store gossip and get the heads-up on hidden deals. My cashiers will gladly bring me stuff from the stockroom and even have carried heavy items out to my car.

They treat me with respect because I treat them with respect. (Isn’t that the key for every successful relationship in life…)


How have you made friends—or enemies!—with cashiers?

10 Ways To Increase Energy


Lately, I’ve been on a mission to get more energized. I’m used to waking up feeling exhausted. I’m talking about bone-tired, headache/backache, completely lethargic. Do you ever feel like that? It’s certainly not my ideal start. What I want to feel is happy, healthy, and most of all, energized! By making simple lifestyle tweaks, I have greatly increased my vitality. Here are my top 10 ways to increase energy:

1. Drink Water

Most people are mildly dehydrated all the time without knowing it. By the time you feel thirst, you are very dehydrated! Water is the most hydrating beverage. Things like coffee and tea actually have the opposite effect, so you can’t count on them to feel energized. There’s no magic number of glasses to drink, but I like to have at least 4 big ones daily. If you’re a water hater, try making Citrus Chillers.


2. Eat Healthy

If your breakfast consists of a sugary drink/pastry mix, you’re setting yourself up for an energy crash. Try lean protein, whole grains, and fresh fruit for breakfast. I guarantee you’ll feel 100% better.

As for lunch and dinner, focus on lots of fresh veggies. Go light on carbs, salt, fat, and all the other junk. Avoid the fast food trap. Bring a snack instead of hitting the vending machine. Nuts are a good choice in moderation.

While healthy food is most important, don’t expect to get all of your nutrients from meals. I recommend taking a multi-vitamin and any additional supplement you need.


3. Exercise

I love to take a walk at night when the weather is cool. My favorite place in the world to walk is at the beach. I don’t like the gym at all. I’d much rather be looking at nature and breathing fresh air. Even 10-15 minutes of walking can greatly improve health.

4. Eliminate Clutter

When my home is filled with clutter, I go crazy! It’s not fun to waste time looking for lost items in a sea of crap. Be ruthless with elimination. You will save precious time and energy when everything is pared down and put into its designated place. Don’t hang on to things for sentimental reasons. You know you will never use it again. Toss it!


5. Get Adequate Sleep

I have trouble with insomnia, so this tip is a biggie for me. The most productive schedule is an Early-to-Bed/Early-to-Rise, which I struggle with constantly. When I actually do go to bed and rise early, I am remarkably more focused and energized. Ideally, you will go to sleep and wake up at the same time, 7 days a week consistently and sleep 8 hours straight through. This rarely happens for me, but it is my goal, and I continue to work on it.

6. Reduce Stress

There is always something to be upset about—work, family, health issues, finance, home repairs, the weather… If you can’t control it, don’t obsess over it. Tackle one problem at a time, cross it off the list, then move on to the next. Trying to deal with everything at once will only make you miserable and exhausted.

7. Learn to say “NO”

Are you surrounded by “Psychic Vampires” who drain you dry with their neediness? I’ve been there! You have to keep such people at arms length. This is particularly true of family members who will guilt trip you into oblivion. I’ve learned to say no when I truly mean NO. If you don’t want to do it, have courage and say so.

8. Find time for fun

If all you do is work, watch tv, sleep and repeat, you will be left with zero energy! Life isn’t supposed to be drudgery. Carve out time for hobbies you enjoy. Personally, I love to read, coupon, try new recipes, and create stylish outfits. Even a few minutes of fun can renew and refresh me during a crazy/busy day.


9. Quiet Time

This is similar to fun time, but it has to be a quiet activity. If you’re listening to traffic, tv, radio, and yelling people throughout the day, it’s sensory overload and the mind just shuts down. I find that my quiet time also needs to be alone time.

10. Plan a loose schedule

This tip is especially important for those who Work at Home (me), or Stay at Home with little ones. It seems counterintuitive, but even though you’re physically in the home, stuff still doesn’t get accomplished. For me, I find that having a loosely planned schedule solved this problem. Don’t confuse this with micro-managing every minute. I just write out a basic To-Do list daily. Anything that remains unfinished is added to the next day’s list.

If you’ve tried all 10 of these tips and you’re still exhausted, make a doctor’s appointment. You may be anemic or dealing with a thyroid issue—both of which are easily treated. Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you tired and unhappy.


What makes you feel energized?

CVS: $0.24 Pretzel M&M’s!


Pretzel M&M’s single packs are on clearance at my CVS. Use a coupon to get them even cheaper, if your store also has this price.

Buy 2 Pretzel M&M’s, clearance price $0.47. Use a Buy One, Get One Manufacturer’s coupon. Total: $0.24 each!

There are 2 prints per computer, so you can get 4 M&M’s total. I like to stock up on candy at rock-bottom prices and save it for holidays and gifts.