The Most Overused Ingredient


I love to experiment in the kitchen. Rarely does a day go by that I’m not cooking something. Most of my recipes use the same basic items, but there is one I confess to overusing—salt!

I am definitely a salt addict. I like salt on pretty much anything, including sandwiches and salads (is that weird?). Too much sodium is not good; that I know. Still, it’s hard to break the habit. Here are some tips to reduce sodium:

1.  Substitute

Try using another spice, garlic, vinegar, or citrus juice/zest. The salt has to be replaced with something tasty. Nobody wants bland food.

2.  Taste First

How many of us automatically reach for the salt shaker before the first bite? Taste first, then add more only if needed.

3.  Cook

While table salt is an issue, the hidden sodium in processed foods is way worse. Cold cuts, soy sauce, and cheese have shockingly-high levels. Yet another reason to cut back on the junk food and eat healthy.

4.  Switch Snacks

Most snacks are very salty—chips, pretzels, crackers, popcorn, etc. Swap in some fresh fruit or cut-up veggies instead.

It’s doubtful that I would ever eliminate salt completely, but I’m working to cut down and stick to the recommended serving of 2300mg (1 tsp.) per day.


Which ingredient do you overuse?
