17 Uncommon Items that can be cleaned in a Dishwasher


Most of us are using our dishwasher daily for plates, cups, and cutlery, but it doesn’t have to stop there. Many items beyond kitchenware can be safely—and more efficiently—cleaned by a dishwasher.

Here are 17 uncommon items I’ve tried (no disasters yet!):

1. Toothbrushes. No matter how well these are rinsed, they tend to be germy. Works especially well for toddlers and youngsters who are careless with their brushes.

2. Potatoes. I first read this tip in a cooking magazine during Thanksgiving. If you have a large amount to wash like a 10-lb bag, put them on the top rack and run the cycle without soap.

3. Croc shoes & flip flops. Plastic footwear can easily be cleaned but DO NOT use the dryer or they’ll melt.

4. Plastic flower pots. At the end of garden season, a single rinse through the machine saves me a lot of scrubbing.

5. Baseball hats. Oh my goodness, between the sweat and grime, hats can be disgusting! The regular washer doesn’t always get them squeaky clean, even with pre-treat, but the dishwasher does.

6. Dish drainers. If you keep a drainer on the counter for hand washing, sterilize it every so often.

7. Glass covers for lighting fixtures. Heavy, thick, and irregularly shaped, these can be annoying to clean. Save time and elbow grease by putting them onto the top shelf.

8. Drain stoppers (kitchen sink and bathtub). Toss these into the silverware compartment.

9. Plastic hair brushes and combs. Most of us forget to clean these regularly, but putting them in the dishwasher is almost effortless. 

10. Scrub brushes and sponges. If used daily, figure on a weekly cleaning.

11. Small plastic containers. Think soap dishes, toothbrush holders, etc.

12. Kids bath toys. Yes, toys get washed in the tub, but that won’t remove caked-on soap scum.

13. Plastic clothes hangers. If they’re really dusty from being in the back of the closet, I do a big load of them in my dishwasher. They come out shiny clean!

14. Stove burner pans. I have a smooth-top stove, but my previous model had individual burners. Most don’t come 100% clean in the dishwasher and will require additional scrubbing, but this makes the job easier.

15. Glass tray from the microwave. We use the microwave multiple times per day and the tray gets filthy! Stuck-on spills, sours smells and the like seem to disappear after dishwashing.

16. Metal mesh screen from the kitchen stove hood. Ever notice how it gets coated with grease and food? Yuck!

17. Plastic dust pans. I put these in when I do a load of plastic clothes hangers usually.

While most items won’t present a problem, there are a few things I suggest:

  • Put the non-food, non-mouth items in a separate cycle  
  • Put plastic items on the top shelf only. (I’ve never had anything melt on the bottom rack, but better safe than sorry.)
  • Don’t use the heated-dry setting (instead, I open the door and allow to air dry).


Have you ever used a dishwasher to clean something unusual?

6 thoughts on “17 Uncommon Items that can be cleaned in a Dishwasher

  1. Levi

    Great suggestions for a germ freak! Thanks for sharing. Honestly, one of the hardest things I’ve noticed going without a dishwasher these days….I have to buy sponges way more frequently, or waste paper towels. I get nervous without a way to sanitize them.

    I will definitely look forward to trying your comb and hair brush suggestion! Never thought of that one but my dogs brushes could really benefit! Obviously I’d wash them solo….would you recommend that? ???

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      If you don’t have a dishwasher, you can sterilize sponges in the microwave. Make sure they’re damp and I like to sprinkle them with fresh lemon juice to cut down on smells. Heat for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Should work great! As for dog brushes, I have never tried it, but I bet it would work. Great idea!

