3 Random Things I’m Enjoying

How about a silly little post that has nothing important to say? Since I’m feeling extremely exhausted, I thought I’d just muse about some random things I’ve been enjoying lately.


1. Cat Calendar

Since my calendar is something I look at every single day, I need the kind that’s inspirational. Looking at adorable pictures of cats and kittens just makes me feel happy! Definitely worth $4.95 for a year’s worth of smiles.

2. Salted Caramel Coffees

Ok, I’m supposed to be dieting, but I’ve been cheating a little bit by adding a spoonful of salted caramel syrup to my coffee every morning. The calorie count isn’t too high, but it adds considerably to my enjoyment. Plus, making them at home is way cheaper and healthier than Starbucks (no whipped cream).


3. Mildred Pierce

This HBO miniseries is an updated version of the 1945 film. With Kate Winslet taking over the original Joan Crawford role, you know it has to be good. {I am such a huge Kate Winslet fan, it’s not even funny! How does she manage such a perfect American accent?}

Set in California during the Great Depression, it focuses on a hard working single mother, the boyfriend who uses her and the devilish daughter that nearly ruins her life. Wonderful story and acting. I missed it during the original broadcast so I’m really glad I caught it in reruns.


What have you been enjoying lately?

12 thoughts on “3 Random Things I’m Enjoying

  1. Levi

    The cat calendar is so cute! Makes me think of Lil Bub. 🙂
    I LOVE everything and anything that’s salted caramel, yum!! I love Kate Winslet so ill have to look for that show!

    Lately, I’ve been slipping into a ginger ale habit, that I’m truthfully not thrilled about but it does help settle the stomach…..I really Need to stick to just the ones from the health food stores without the junk!
    Also im really into dog clothing and dressing up my “stuffed animal with a heartbeat” in sweaters and winter looks!

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Lil Bub is adorable, just like Boo! I love all the famous pets, especially when they’re dressed up—so cute. I, too, love soda, but I’m trying really hard to quit the habit. The regular stuff is all sugar and the diet has the scary fake sugars that can cause health problems. Sparkling water can help settle the stomach and is a bit better for you.

  2. Delores Harris

    I downloaded a free kindle book by an author I’d never heard of and it turned out to be a treasure. ‘Miss Buncle’s Book’ by D.E. Stevenson was written in the 1930’s and is an old fashioned comedy of manners that truly made me laugh out loud. Best book I’ve read in years and I read a lot!

  3. Julie Wood

    Your cat calender is so cute, and I have a really nice dog calendar that I just love looking at. And coffee with caramel syrup is a must! I always have to put this flavoring in my coffee. And I hope your dieting is going good. I know that I need to lose weight!

  4. Elisabeth

    Ooh I’ll have to check out that series, it sounds like it’s right up my ally! As the Mom of a 3 week old I’m loving just being able to find time to take a shower every day! 😉

  5. wen budro

    Thank goodness that we can appreciate the small pleasures in life. I’ve been savoring a cup of hot cocoa every night this Winter while I watch a good movie.

