Amazing DIY Shower Favors – Part Three


Thanks again to my sister, Jackie, for providing this series on amazing DIY shower favors. Her tips and techniques for wrapped plants and seed favors have been a joy to read. Today, she’s sharing her homemade gift bags!

Most people buy gift bags, but I prefer to make them. Not only is it cheaper, it’s also a lot more colorful! To make folded gift bags you will need:
Extra strength glue stick
Construction paper
Patterned craft paper

Because I do a lot of crafting, I already had these items on hand. If you need to buy them, Michael’s always has great deals—and coupons—on crafting supplies.

Start by cutting a piece of paper slightly double the width of the item you want to hold. Place your item down and fold above it to determine the bottom of bag width needed. Make sure the widest part of your item will fit.

Form a tube with the paper and glue the back seam.

To create side creases, open the bag and fold the sides using the bottom crease as a guide.



Unfold to starting position.


Open up and press corners flat creating two triangles. Use the center crease as a guide.


Fold bottom flap up to the center line. (I like to glue down each triangle for added strength.)

Fold the top flap down to overlap the bottom flap. Glue it closed to form bottom of the bag.


Cut and glue a small piece of heavy card stock on inside bottom if your item is heavy.


Place your items into the bag, fold tops over and secure with tape after filling.



These bags make wonderful containers for all your Baby/Bridal shower gifts. I used mine to hold seed favors, but they’d work just as well for candy or little trinkets if you don’t craft!
