Amy Winehouse’s Jewish Legacy

Consumed by drug and alcohol addictions, heavily tattooed, and dedicated to a rock ‘n roll lifestyle—not exactly the description of a typical Jewish lady, which makes sense because singer Amy Winehouse was anything but average!

Her unconventional life will be on display at the Jewish Museum in London starting in March. Photos, personal possessions, and a family tree will be included.

Because she died so young (only 27!), it’s hard not to imagine who she would’ve become and what kind of music she would’ve continued to create. Though she had a short lifetime, her musical impact was strong and her style is still being copied today. (Seriously who could forget her trademark bouffant hairstyle, red lips, and black eye make up?)

While she obviously wasn’t an observant Jew, she was nonetheless proud of her heritage and has a unique Jewish legacy.

5 thoughts on “Amy Winehouse’s Jewish Legacy

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Gosh, that’s harsh. Just because someone has a drug addiction doesn’t mean they’re a worthless person. I certainly don’t approve of drug use, but I have compassion for those who suffer.

  1. soupmomma

    Her voice was amazing. Her death robbed us from decades of beautiful music. Drug addiction is a disease. It’s just sad that in the end she tried so hard to fight it and still lost.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Oh, it’s definitely a disease. I don’t understand why there’s still such a stigma surrounding addiction. So many good, loving, and talented people have been destroyed by it. Just so sad!

