Is an Anti-Israel Bias Causing Hate Crimes?


Two more incidents can be added to the list of anti-Semitic hate crimes that seem to be never ending: a temple in Arizona and a Chabad center in California have been vandalized.

I don’t consider it a coincidence that these horrible attacks took place during Hanukkah. It seems like every Jewish holiday stirs up animosity. When the U.N. is passing outrageous resolutions that condemn Israel and the Secretary of State is making inaccurate, anti-Israel speeches, it’s no wonder that this continues to happen!

It’s very obvious that a bias exists. When groups and individuals knowingly make false and/or misleading statements about Israel, it hurts the entire Jewish community, no matter where in the world they live. Instead of furthering their own agendas, these folks should be more concerned with the truth…

Like all Jewish Americans, I love both America and Israel. It hurts my heart horribly to see the current state of U.S.-Israeli relations falling to a rock bottom low. I can only hope that the next administration will do things differently. More than ever, Israel needs our support!

2 thoughts on “Is an Anti-Israel Bias Causing Hate Crimes?

  1. Linda Szymoniak

    The sad truth is that there are SO many groups who are being targeted, and it’s really gotten bad over the past year. Growing up, my mother taught us that we should try to find the good in everyone, and to judge people by their own actions – not their race, religion, etc. I think that’s a good thing, and as an adult I have taught my own daughters the same. This time of year, you see many things that say “Peace on Earth”, and that’s what I want more than anything. I’m scared for the future of our country – and the world.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Absolutely, it’s not just one group being harassed. We need unity, not division. There is so much anger, hatred, and fighting right now—all of it unnecessary! I, too, wish and pray for peace.

