Healthier New Year Quick Start Guide


One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is “Getting Healthy.” While that’s an excellent goal, something so vaguely defined makes it difficult to apply. Personally, I need things to be much more specific. Instead of making a general statement, I want actions.

Right now, I am testing some samples of Newport Skinny Tea (look for an upcoming product review in the near future). A Quick Start Guide was included as part of the kit. These healthy tips are so good, they’re worth sharing:

  • Start each meal with a low or no-calorie beverage like tea or water
  • Eat a large salad or veggie soup before meals
  • Include quality protein with each meal
  • Include quality fat with each meal
  • Finish meals with low-glycemic fruit
  • Green smoothies help increase veggie intake
  • Gradually phase out wheat, grain, sugar, trans fat, and most oils
  • Investigate the possibility of food allergies/sensitivities
  • Walk 30 minutes daily
  • Sleep 7 Hours nightly (minimum) in the darkest room possible
  • Improve mindset – try to stay positive
  • Do 3 High Intensity workouts weekly
  • Choose least toxic options in life: relationships, work, food, etc.
  • Find a supportive community
  • Accept your past; take responsibility for the future
  • Believe in yourself – you deserve the best!

Whether you apply every step or even just one or two to start, it can make a big overall improvement. The most important step for me is always sleep since I struggle with insomnia and chronic pain. My goal for 2017 is to be in bed by 10:00pm, wind down for an hour, and fall asleep by 11:00. I can’t guarantee it will happen, but I am going to do my best to try!

Besides sleep, the other tip that spoke loudest to me is about community. So many people these days are living alone, far away from family, are disconnected from friends, and basically have no support at all. If you are in that position, please know that TJL can be your community! Readers are welcome to post anything that’s bothering them in the comments or email me directly ( If you need to vent, need someone to care, or have a prayer request, don’t be afraid to speak up. TJL is a blog, of course, but it can also be a warm and safe forum for ladies to communicate and help each other.

