Belly Band: A Post-Pregnancy Must-Have

During pregnancy, every lady expects that some significant—and often scary—changes will happen to her physically. While most of these are temporary (nausea, heartburn, weight gain), others can continue for years! Yes, I’m talking about stretch marks, saggy skin, and a doughy stomach.

As a first time mom, I truly, naively believed that after the delivery, my body would simply go back to “normal,” and I’d look exactly the same as I did before pregnancy. Unfortunately, that never happened!

Nothing I’ve ever tried completely eliminated the stretch marks and sags, but following a plant-based, low-carb diet and exercising definitely helped me shed the unwanted pounds. I was able to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, yet an over-all lack of muscle tone persisted, especially in the mid-section. (Seriously, my stomach was not just a muffin top, but a muffin middle and bottom, too.)

After doing some research online, I stumbled upon a belly band. I knew those could be used during pregnancy, but I was unaware it also provided post-delivery benefits. (Healthline has a great article about them and WebMD does as well.)

Bands come in two styles, pull-on (like a panty) and cinch (wrap style). Some are strictly for the abdomen and another kind covers both the abdomen and thighs. As I worry mainly about my stomach, I chose the former. 

The feel of the band can range from suffocating to merely snug, depending on the size and model. I like a firm fit, but need to breathe as well! It can take some experimenting to figure out what works best. The right one is noticeable but still comfortable. For me, the smooth fit and look of a panty band was so much better than a Velcro wrap.

I picked a black model because most of my clothes are dark and I wanted it to blend into the background. However, some ladies consider them to be fashion accessories. A quick search on Pinterest brings up over 1,000 images, many of which are extremely colorful.

While there are no quick fixes, with regular use over the course of a few months, I did see improvement. Because they’re relatively inexpensive and non-invasive, a belly band provides a safe and affordable option for ladies who want a smoother middle.

2 thoughts on “Belly Band: A Post-Pregnancy Must-Have

  1. Journeys of The Zoo

    I had triplets and wish that I had known about this product. All my stomach muscles are separated and I have a small hernia. Not sure if this could have helped. Next time…. NOT! 😉

    Besos Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

