Books I Love – A Very Different Love Story


Before I ever read the book, I watched the documentary, “Crazy Love” on Sundance Channel. To call it “Crazy,” is just; to call that farce “love” is absurd! Read on so I may elaborate…

Burt and Linda are a couple in love. Things are complicated, since Burt is already married and has a Special Needs child. Linda demands he divorce and remarry her. Burt lies, schemes, and eventually loses Linda. In an effort to win her back, he hires some thugs to pour acid in her face, maiming and blinding her for life!

Cue the media firestorm and melodramatic trial. Burt goes to prison; Linda tries to adjust as a blind person. It should rightfully end there. Instead, time goes by, love is renewed, Burt is released, and they get married.

Think about that: Who could marry the man that blinded them?!  Certainly not anyone rational.

This book is no longer in print, but you can find a used cheapie on Amazon.


Would you ever reunite with a man who abused you? (Please say no!)

2 thoughts on “Books I Love – A Very Different Love Story

  1. Kim

    This is certainly the most different love story I have ever heard of.. although I am intrigued and off to go read what amazon has to say about it.

