Brighten Outdoor Space with PermaLeaf


Creating a beautiful backyard that my family can enjoy has always been important to me. Because we have a busy lifestyle, keeping up with watering foliage and mowing the lawn is a struggle! While I don’t know of any solution to make grass grow slower, there is an alternative to tending plants.

Yes, I’m talking about high quality, zero upkeep, gorgeous looking artificial plants, made by Permaleaf. Many folks have enjoyed these indoors before, but weren’t aware that they could also be used outside.

Not only do they look nice, they are good for anyone who’s environmentally conscious—no water needed, no fertilizer/pesticides needed. Since we’re experiencing a record-level drought here in New England, water conservation is critical! Combine a lack of moisture with the extreme heat of summer and artificial options really do make good sense. Instead of having to re-buy yearly, you can also save money; aside from the initial purchase, there won’t be any maintenance fees.

In addition to outdoor plants perfect for backyards, Permaleaf has options for rooftops/balconies, window boxes, hanging baskets, and privacy screens. Check out their website for many excellent products, or they will send you a catalog by mail.


4 thoughts on “Brighten Outdoor Space with PermaLeaf

  1. Sheila Vives

    These are beautiful and so realistic looking! I’ll admit, I don’t have a green thumb and I do forget to water the plants, or I water them too much. Permaleaf is a very nice alternative.

