Do You Want to Become a Money Making Mom?


Is it possible to earn a full-time income from home while raising kids? According to the new book Money-Making Mom, the answer is “yes.” Author Crystal Paine knows quite a bit about the subject: she started working online in 2005, eventually developing the popular finance blog,

That blog was a springboard for multiple streams of income (affiliate sales, ad revenue, speaking engagements, and a book deal). None of those things came easily. While she has always worked hard, many things held her back, especially fear, insecurity, and other people’s opinions.

She recounts the many ups and downs she’s gone through professionally, offering advice to other women, encouraging them to think outside the box, and define their unique skill set. Rather than a how-to guide, the book has a self-help tone, which can be very helpful for those who feel stuck and/or talentless.

I have followed her blog since way back in 2008. While I’m still more interested in the saving money part, it’s been interesting to watch her journey from saver to money-maker and her success has really been remarkable. (I can remember her blogging about scraping together a $35.00/weekly grocery budget, and now she and her family travel around the world.)

Money-Making Mom is a quick, easy read that can help to inspire the dreamer inside.


I received a free copy of this book to review. All opinions are my own.

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