Grandma’s Chicken Soup Giveaway & Review


I’m pleased to announce our latest giveaway, sponsored by the wonderful folks at Grandma’s Chicken Soup!

I originally heard about this amazing family-run company when they were featured on the Food Network’s Unwrapped. (Like me, they’re Jewish and based in Greater Boston, which is just the kind of business I love to support.) I always wanted to try it—and by always, I mean years—and last week, I finally did.

When I heard the UPS truck pull into my driveway, I literally jumped for the door, and found a big orange and white box, containing an Original Gift Mug & Soup.


All of these goodies were inside:

  • A Grandma’s Chicken Soup jumbo ceramic mug
  • A matching jumbo spoon
  • Westminster oyster crackers
  • Signature carrot-shaped pen
  • Hand decorated whimsical chicken cookie
  • One half gallon container (4-6 servings) of homemade soup

I was curious if the soup would arrive safely, and I can assure you, it does. The soup is frozen in a sturdy container, then packed into an insulated sleeve, and topped with an ice pack, ensuring a fresh taste.

Each spoonful of Grandma’s Chicken Soup is like a dream, containing huge chunks of chicken, celery, onions, and carrots. Additionally, you can select noodles, matzo balls, or both. I chose both and I’m sure glad I did. It was fantastic! I ate 3 mugs of soup and 2 packages of oyster crackers, plus the cookie. Talk about a warm, filling, and delicious lunch!

And I’m certainly not the only fan. Did you hear that a Rabbi sent some to Tom Brady before the Super Bowl? I’m not claiming it was the soup that cured his cold, but you never know. Either way, the Patriots won!


I have always loved food gifts and I think Grandma’s Chicken Soup products would make a great alternative to flowers. No matter the occasion, they’ve got you covered—Get Well, New Baby, Shivah, Birthday, Sweet treats, and more. Plus, there’s a Soup of the Month Club.

One winner will be able to enjoy Grandma’s Chicken Soup. Simply enter the giveaway before 2/23. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

24 thoughts on “Grandma’s Chicken Soup Giveaway & Review

  1. molly

    What a cute idea! Too bad this isn’t kosher, but I do have a friend that needs some comfort now and would love this soup!

  2. Pingback: Grandma's Chicken Soup Gift Basket Giveaway - Giveaway Promote

  3. Pingback: Grandma’s Chicken Soup gift Basket Giveaway | Just Sweep

  4. Annamarie V

    This would be a great gift for someone, it’s practical, yummy and really well put together. I also love the chicken cookie.

