Holocaust Doll With Real Human Hair on Display

The Anatolian Toy Museum in Turkey is displaying a doll that was made with the real human hair of a holocaust victim. 

The museum director, when asked about the origins of the doll, called its history a “touching story.” I call it deranged and disgusting!

Some folks believe the doll is merely a fake. I personally don’t doubt it’s authenticity, because there are many sick people who collect Nazi memorabilia (even more troubling, it was purchased from a German curator). The fact that a so-called museum would actually participate is the mind-blowing part.

The victim, who “donated” this hair, is unidentified, but she surely didn’t give her consent. Her hair was violently and viciously shaved from her head in a concentration camp, for goodness sake. This is literally trafficking in human body parts, no different than the monsters that made lampshades out of skin. It’s not a work of art, it’s a work of genocide. 

We need to respect the dignity of the dead. Yes, there is a historical purpose in displaying what was stolen from them—their teeth, their hair, fake limbs, wedding bands, etc. But it needs to be done by a legit source, in a dignified way, and never for profit, particularly if the item was a sicko trophy bought from a Nazi worshiper. 

This doll needs to be destroyed, not displayed. It’s nothing more than exploitation and I find it very offensive. 

7 thoughts on “Holocaust Doll With Real Human Hair on Display

  1. Miriam

    How is it legal to do that? Wouldn’t the family have the right to reclaim the doll, if anyone is still alive? Or why not give it to Yad Vashem?

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      According to the article, they did DNA testing but couldn’t find a match. If someone filed a lawsuit to have it removed, I think they’d win. It’s awful!

  2. laurie emerson

    I find this reprehensible. As a Jewish woman who has also read over 85 books on the Holocaust, I cannot even begin to say how disappointed and saddened I am over this. The Nazis took so much away from innocent Jewish people. From extracting the gold in their teeth to burning down synagogues with people in them to forcibly removing beards from elderly Jewish men. I am not trying to stand on a soapbox, but the one thing they could not take away was their dignity and it seems like even today they are still trying to do that.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      You are not on a soapbox, you are RIGHT! What has happened to the victims is beyond horrible. To think that a museum is participating in this garbage is very offensive, not just to you and me, but to millions. The victims can’t speak, so we have to speak for them. You are right that it’s not dignified. It’s cruel and it should be illegal.

  3. An Da Been

    Hello, I’m a staff member of MBC broadcasting in Korea.
    We talked about ‘Auschwitz hair exploitation’ in the program.
    We’d like to refer to the picture of your blog and use it, so can we use it after revealing the source?
    The sentence may not be smooth because I’m using the translator. I’m sorry.
    I would appreciate your reply. Thank you.

