The Important Legacy Of Skokie


If you haven’t seen the amazing documentary, Skokie: Invaded But Not Conquered, do so NOW! This film chronicles the mind-boggling attempt by American Neo-Nazis to march through Skokie, Illinois in the 1970’s.

At that time, Skokie was home to the largest number of Holocaust survivors anywhere in the country. These courageous souls, who had suffered so much in foreign lands, were at risk of being terrorized again…in America!

What kind of monster could dream up such a gruesome concept? Enter Frank Collin, self-appointed head of the National Socialist Party of America. Not only was he a vicious bigot and child molester, Collin was also a self-hating, closeted Jew! (Unreal, I know.) Rather than working for the good of humanity, rather than help survivors of death camps—including his own father, Max Cohn, who’d been in Dachau—this madman devoted himself to becoming like his idol, Hitler.


To be so sick, on so many levels, is simply beyond understanding. It’s frightening how hate can twist the mind. Surely, all decent people know that we can’t give voice to this sort of hate speech, right? Wrong…

When the story seemed unable to get any weirder, the ACLU entered the fray, claiming that Nazis should be able to march, based on First Amendment grounds. For many years, the case dragged on through multiple courts, with Attorney David Goldberger leading the charge. Oh, did I mention Goldberger is also Jewish?!

It’s hard to say who was worse. Collin was obviously mentally ill, but Goldberger wasn’t. I think he was utterly confused and misguided about what Free Speech means. It’s not absolute. You can’t shout fire in a crowd, threaten the President, or incite racial hatred, Period.

When all was said and done, the Nazis were never allowed to march in Skokie—rightfully so. Unfortunately, they were granted a permit in Chicago. I don’t think these criminals should be allowed to demonstrate anywhere. Their message is destructive, particularly to those on the margins of society who are highly susceptible and to children, who are far too young and impressionable to know any better.

Society must include a place for all law-abiding people. Nobody should be terrorized by cowards who cloak themselves in phony righteousness. We need to teach tolerance, peace, and friendship. Most of all, we need to fight hate, in all its ghastly forms, wherever it appears, so when we assert Never Again, we truly mean it this time.
