Is Saying “Merry Christmas” Offensive?


What is it about the holidays that makes political correctness go crazy?  (Maybe people just feel crazier in general right now from the hectic schedule and stress?) Yesterday, while I was out shopping, I had to pass by numerous Salvation Army collection buckets. Most of the bell-ringers are quiet, but one older gentleman was very chatty and went out of his way to wish everyone coming in the door a “Merry Christmas.”

As I passed by, I nodded and went about my day, totally unaffected. When I had finished, I exited the store to find 2 teens arguing with the bell-ringer, telling him it’s offensive to say “Merry Christmas” and being pretty rude/combative.

I have no way of knowing why the teens felt this way because I didn’t get involved, but it strikes me as going overboard that anyone would be so upset over a seemingly benign comment.

According to the stats, 95% of Americans celebrate Christmas. I am not one of them. I don’t understand the whole concept; I have never decorated a tree, nor have I strung lights. Regardless, I don’t find anything offensive about other folks enjoying their holiday and if someone wants to wish me a “Merry Christmas,” so what? They’re not trying to be rude and those of use who don’t participate shouldn’t freak out.

Instead of fighting about petty nonsense, shouldn’t we all make an effort to be tolerant? Just as I love Hanukkah and enjoy seeing public menorah lightings, my Christian friends feel the same way about their traditions. Everyone is entitled to their own faith. We need to respect others and not try to impose our will on them.

So, no, I’m not offended by Christmas, just as I hope others aren’t offended by Hanukkah. Personally, unless I know someone’s religion for sure, I stick with the neutral “Happy Holidays,” but it’s not a big deal. Surely we have more important matters to worry about…

6 thoughts on “Is Saying “Merry Christmas” Offensive?

  1. Terri Irvin

    I agree with you and I think our society needs to be much more concerned about bigger issues than people saying “Merry Christmas” to each other. Those teens need to go work in a soup kitchen or a Food Bank.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Excellent point. I hate to say, “Wow, those kids today,” but my goodness, they are really getting rude towards adults! Doing some volunteering can only help a bad attitude.

  2. Becca

    I think it’s silly to say Merry Christmas to someone who doesn’t celebrate, but I also think this world has way bigger problems than who give silly greetings to whom.

  3. Robin

    Thanks for this. As a Christian (who just happens to love your blog) I can tell you that the pressure NOT to say Merry Christmas is really out there. I don’t want to offend anyone, most certainly at what should be a most festive time of year for me. I try to remember to say Happy Holidays, but I’m human and there will be times I forget. Those young men should have been ashamed of themselves. Thank you for all of the great posts you brought this year!

