Israeli Teen Drugged & Abused by 3 Egyptian Men

A 15-year-old Israeli went to Egypt on vacation. Instead of the fun experience she was expecting, she was drugged and abused by 3 men repeatedly.

The details of this bizarre incident are a bit muddled, but it seems she was at a Sinai hotel, unattended by a parent or guardian, and made friends with a 20-year-old employee who slipped a different drug into the hooka she willingly smoked.

The drug in question, Datura, is something I’d never heard of. A quick internet search described it as an all-encompassing delirium that can last for several days—exactly what the girl described.

While she was delirious, she was repeatedly groped, and attempts were made to rape her—by the hotel employee, the hotel manager, and a third man. She was forced to wear Bedouin clothing—probably to disguise her for kidnapping—and was pressured to marry a 56-year-old and remain in Egypt.

By the grace of God, she was able to escape and return home. Upon her arrival, she was in need of psych evaluation, medication, and a hospital stay, still confused about what had occurred. As her memory returned, she was able to recount what happened and filed a complaint.

When questioned by authorities, the hotel manager’s “defense” was unbelievable: “I don’t need to rape girls,” he protested, claiming to have had consensual relations with 400 Israeli women!

Shockingly, what happened to this teen was not the only attack reported. There have been several, which means they most certainly were not consensual.

Obviously, it’s not a good idea for a young teen to be left unsupervised so she can do drugs with strangers. Regardless, she is the victim and this incident appears to be one of many assaults that happened at this hotel. These barbarians should’ve been arrested the first time!

Moral of the story: Ladies, be careful where you go on vacation and do not put yourself into a vulnerable situation with strange men. This can happen to anyone, it does with a terrible frequency, and we must be extra cautious in foreign countries.

5 thoughts on “Israeli Teen Drugged & Abused by 3 Egyptian Men

  1. velvetwhip

    I am absolutely horrified by this and frankly deeply disgusted by the defense. No one HAS to commit rape. Handsome men, wealthy men, charming men, men who have access to numerous WILLING partners commit rape every day, because they enjoy force and dominance and power and humiliating women. I hope that this defense does not work and that this young woman gets justice. My heart goes out to her and I hope she has the loving and unconditional support of her family and friends as she begins the difficult path of recovery and healing.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Articles like these cause an extremely strong reaction in me as well. I am so sick of the people who pretend that violence against women and girls doesn’t happen (or if it does, they minimize it). Rape is a crime! It’s not a seduction, not a “he said, she said” situation, not a misunderstanding – it’s wrong, 100% of the time. Celebrities, in particular, have gotten away with this behavior for so long (Bill Cosby and others), but I think society is finally ready to say no more. Concern should be with the victims. Stop blaming them!

