National Nutrition Month


Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? I discovered it through Facebook of all places! I love the idea of a month dedicated to good food! The focus should be on nutrient-dense foods, over the quick, tasty junk. Here are my top tips for good nutrition:

1.  Balance Calories

An easy formula is to split your plate into 25% protein, 25% whole grains, and 50% produce. Fats and sweets should be kept to a minimum.

2.  Switch to Lower-Fat Dairy

Whole milk and ice cream are calorie-bombs! Switching to 2% milk is a great start. Swapping cow milk for almond milk is even better! I almost never use dairy in my own home.

3.  Reduce processed foods

If it comes in a box, jar, or can, it’s processed—often with tons of sugar and sodium! Fresh is best, then frozen, then canned.

4.  Fill up on Produce

The recommended serving for fruits and veggies is 3-5 cups daily! Most people get no where close to that amount. Try adding extra lettuce, tomatoes, and sprouts to your sandwich. Bulk up breakfast cereal with berries. Eat salad with dinner.

5.  Skip the Drive-Thru

Anything from a fast-food place is usually a mistake. Yes, they sell salads, but most of us are ordering burgers and fries! Don’t make this your daily fare.

6.  Bring snacks

I find that junk food doesn’t attract me as much when I come prepared. Pack a container of mixed nuts, carrot sticks, or a banana.

7. Stay hydrated

Many times, we confuse hunger with thirst. The best (and cheapest!) thirst-quencher is plain water. I try to always have a water bottle in my car.

8.  Try vegetarian options

Meat is delicious, but it shouldn’t be abused! A serving is only 3-ounces, not a 16-ounce sirloin! Take a periodic break from the beef and chicken. Try replacing it with beans or tofu. Healthy for the heart and the wallet!


If you slip up and binge on pizza, don’t beat yourself up. Every meal is a fresh start. We can only change the future, not the past.


Are you interested in nutrition?

4 thoughts on “National Nutrition Month

  1. Natalie

    Nutrition is one of the top things I am steadfastly concerned with daily. I follow the points you outline, having the occasional ice cream or pizza. The more real, natural food I eat the less I crave anything else. Actually, the smell of fast food is nauseating.

    I love this topic, and this post. Thank you!

  2. Lisa Romine

    Great article. I’m currently doing weight watchers and a lot of this is stuff I can use within that program, too.

  3. Melissa Dealmeida

    I am seven months pregnant with gestational diabetes so nutrition is very important fro me and my baby. Its hard at times but I am learning how to eat right and stay away from junk.

