Products I Will Never Endorse


As a blogger, I’m able to review a lot of free products. While I’m always grateful for the opportunities that come my way, there are certain products I will never endorse. Such was the case with a company who offered me a cremation necklace.

Honestly, I was unaware those even existed. I had to google it, and when I did, the results truly perplexed me. Why on earth would anyone want to wear a dead loved one’s ashes around their neck?! (Human or pet?) Maybe I’m extra sensitive right now because this is the 70th anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation, but cremation jewelry really rubs me the wrong way!

Like most members of the Jewish community, I am 100% against cremation. It’s unnatural and it destroys something that should never be tampered with. While I support everyone’s choice to decide on their own burial arrangements, cremation is nothing I would ever want or recommend.

For me to accept a free cremation necklace and promote it on my blog would be the height of hypocrisy. Because I love to shop and try new products, I have no problem endorsing anything I’d personally use or enjoy. What I haven’t done, and don’t plan to ever do, is endorse products that I find offensive.

Here is a list of item I will never promote on The Jewish Lady:

1. Anything Anti-Semitic

If a product is negative towards Jews in general and/or Israel, I want nothing to do with it! While I don’t claim we are perfect as a People, I will not tolerate anyone denouncing this wonderful religion and culture I love so much. I won’t help sickos spread their poison.

2. Anything Anti-American

I love this country with all my heart and truly believe it’s the greatest place on Earth. The level of freedom enjoyed by the average citizen is unparalleled, and should be celebrated, not criticized. The “Blame America First” crowd can find another venue to promote their message.

3. Anything Misogynistic

As a proud Feminist, I can’t stand to hear ridiculous rhetoric spouted against women. Anyone who thinks women are less than men are either in denial, full of hate, or both. Regardless, I’m not falling for it.

4. Gray Areas

This category is comprised of products that are decent, just not something I personally agree with—like the cremation necklace. Another example would be ham. Since I don’t cook it or eat it, I don’t have much reason to promote it, right?

Anything else is pretty much open and I carefully evaluate each review before I accept it.

I want all my readers to know where I’m coming from. I want them to get to know me as a person, who I am and what I believe. I want The Jewish Lady to be a forum where everyone is welcome (provided they’re respectful of others).

What I don’t want is for anyone to think that this blog is simply a vehicle for affiliate sales. If you have a product you’d like me to review, by all means, reach out. If it’s a good fit, I’d be overjoyed to feature it. But don’t be offended if I have to pass. The trust of my readers and my reputation is worth more to me than a few dollars.


If you’re a blogger, do you endorse products? If so, what products will you refuse?

38 thoughts on “Products I Will Never Endorse

  1. robcjohnson

    Although I am a blogger, products are not part of my genre. Mine is a music blog. I admire your stance on product endorsement, however. I thoroughly enjoyed your recent feature, promoting the work of my friend, composer and musician, Ezra Donner. He appears on my blog, at

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Hello, Rob and welcome! I feel so fortune to have met Ezra and interviewed him. He is truly a class act and a wonderful composer. I’m going to check out your blog now.

  2. Anonymous

    I understand why you are against cremation, however it is an option I choose for myself. I often wonder if I’d want to carry a loved one’s ashes with me – yes and no, on both sides. As to your other “just say nos”, I agree. I used to blog and would never promote anything from, say, Hobby Lobby, or anything German or from (I think this is the name of the company) Edible Arrangements. It’s still a very tough world out there, and anti-Semitism is alive and thriving. It boggles the mind to think of how many so-called “Christians” ignore the fact that their lord and savior was Jewish, complete with bris and Bar Mitzvah.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      I’m totally ok with others choosing cremation; it’s just not for me. As for anti-Semitic “Christians,” those folks are only fooling themselves. Anyone that really loves the Lord does not hate.

  3. Barb Levine

    Affiliate sales are fine until it swallows a blog whole. I used to follow money saving mom and hip2save religiously and now all they do is shill junk to make a profit. I want to see coupons and frugal living articles. I feel most deal bloggers abuse their readers trust to make money only and that hurts. If you started selling cremation necklaces I wouldn’t like you anymore. Thanks for being real.

  4. itzybellababy

    I was offered the same review, and didn’t reply.. different reasons.. but wow. I feel like a complete insensitive dolt for not considering why cremation would be offensive to survivors and their families.

    I am very grateful that you shared this.

    I do tons of reviews on one of my blogs- I have tried to be selective with what I apply for- mostly because I would not want to be negative.. but I will be honest if I don’t like something. Reviewing can be fun especially with my daughter’s toddler input;)

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      Oh my goodness, when I saw your name on the comment, I was shocked! I love, love, love your blog. Reading about you and your daughter is just super. The posts you’ve done about the situation in Nigeria were fabulous. Anyone who is so compassionate could never be “an insensitive dolt.”

  5. Krystal

    I’ve never really endorsed anything. I do reviews on things that interest me sometimes, but I can’t say that I’d ever actually promote anything.

  6. The Trophy WifeStyle

    I do product reviews but some in stay away from are junk foods… I try to promote a helathy lifestyle so anything against that I tey to not promote no matter how much the offer is…. I want people to respect my blog and not think I’m a sellout

  7. Erin @ Sugar Crumbs

    Good for you for standing up for your beliefs and taking a stand as a blogger not to endorse things that conflict with your beliefs. I don’t do many product endorsements {I never wanted to become an advertising blog} but the few I do accept have to fit a list of criteria. Quality, family friendly etc etc.

  8. Nancy

    I have to say, as a blogger I don’t think I’d endorse feminine products, sexual products, or adult diapers. I’ve been approached for all. Not my thing.

  9. R U S S

    Oh gosh, a friend of mine was just talking to me about cremation jewelry just recently and it’s just not my thing. I like how you won’t just accept anything compared to other bloggers that you know – will just say to practically everything. I’m glad that there are still bloggers like you. Quality over quantity.

  10. yumeating

    I get offers for reviews all the time. On any given day I have 5-10 of them in my email for one of my 3 sites. It makes me wonder sometimes if people even read my websites before contacting me. If they did, they might think twice.

    As for the cremation deal, I can understand and respect your view. It’s how you were raised, your culture and very much a part of you.

    My family and my in-laws are Catholic and they don’t believe in cremation either. However, I wasn’t raised in the church so I sort of formulated my own views on things over the years. I do know my mother wants to be cremated and she has a special place she wants her remains to be scattered. I respect her wishes and I can understand why she has that wish.

    I am an organ donor. So, when I die I want to be able to have someone live on the account of getting my useful parts. I know this is against a lot of religions and lifestyles too. But, we all have our own belief systems. My belief is that I should always strive to help others in a selfless act of kindness.

    I personally do not want to be cremated. My wish is to be buried next to my grandparents. My husband wants to be near his. Which happen to be at opposite ends of town. So, we’ll just have to agree to meet in the middle.

    As for the pets, well, I have always buried pets that have left me. Up until 3 years ago when I lost my beloved boxer, Cain due brain cancer that eventually spread through his body. To say I was devastated was an understatement. He meant the world to me. He was my first pet when I moved out on my own. He was there when my ex husband and I married. And he was with me when we divorced and I moved 1600 miles from the only life I had known. He taught me unconditional love. He gave me so much happiness and joy. He was my furkid. And even though his sister is still with me and I have another dog whom I adore, Cain was such a part of my life at all those pivitol and special moments. When he passed I made the choice to have him cremated because I was not ready to let go. I felt that I would bury him with my grandparents when the time was right. Here I am 3 years later and still not quite there yet. Perhaps when his sister leaves us so they can be together. So, for now, Cain sits in my China cabinet. His ashes in a box with his favorite toy. I have mentioned to my husband about buying one of those necklaces to keep him with me at all times. And not filling it so I can put some of Casey in there too when its her turn. Maybe people look at me funny because I loved them so deeply. But, I can’t have children, so my pets are the loves of my life next to my husband, step daughter and family.

    I am sorry I wrote you a novel. LOL I guess I just thought maybe hearing a different point of view would help others who might be wondering why some people do what they do.

    1. The Jewish Lady Post author

      I really appreciate your comments. I love to hear different points of view! We all learn from each other. I support everyone’s right to make their own decisions. If someone wants to be cremated or donate organs, that is ok. I don’t get to decide for other people and vice versa. Your feelings/wishes are just as valid as mine, even if we’re opposite. I’m very sorry about Cain. Pets are so special.

  11. Rosey

    I’ve sent a product back before because it wasn’t something I was comfortable endorsing. It was a kitchen appliance, but man it was a.w.f.u.l. 🙂

  12. Stephanie C.

    Wow. First, to approach a blogger with such a personal item to review – it’s a little surprising. I feel that’s the type of thing that one can’t ‘assume’ someone might be interested in. I would not have even responded. On a completely different note, I really respect the boundaries you’ve placed for your reviews. It’s so important to stay true to yourself. I only accept items/products that I have used, or would personally continue using. It has to have relevance to my life and I never post about anything that goes against any values I have.

  13. Lynndee

    Standing for what you believe in! I admire you for that. And I would like to quote you here, “I want The Jewish Lady to be a forum where everyone is welcome (provided they’re respectful of others).” Thumb’s up on that. 🙂

  14. 3decades3kids

    I have a list also of places I will not promote for my own personal reasons. I also think that everyone has a right to choosing what is promoted. I would not promote the cremation necklace but I am sure that are people who would adore the idea. I know many people that get necklaces out of the nails from of their passed away dogs. I don’t understand it, but I can respect. Diane Sullivan

