Super Savings Saturday – 6/28


This week’s edition of Super Savings Saturday features deals from only two stores—Shaw’s and Walgreens. My shopping trips were condensed, but the cheapies and freebies abound!

Shaw’s: 2 packages of cherry tomatoes, on sale for $0.88 each (3 Day Sale). Total: $1.76!

Hellman’s Mayo, on sale for $1.99. I used a $1.00 Manufacturer’s coupon. Total: $0.99!

Lipton tea, regular price $1.39. I used a $0.75 Manufacturer’s coupon (doubled to retail price). Total: Free!



2 Suddenly Salads, on sale $1.00 each. I used 2  $0.50 Manufacturer’s coupons (doubled.) Total: Free!

2 Betty Crocker boxed potatoes, on sale $1.00 each. I used 2 $0.50 Manufacturer’s coupons (doubled.) Total: Free!


Walgreen’s: 2 Glad trash bags, on sale for $7.49. I used 2 $1.00 store coupons and 2 $0.75 Manufacturer’s coupons.

Clearance candy filler (not pictured because it was eaten), $0.24.

Total: $11.72. I paid with a $10 Register Reward, so my out of pocket cost was only $1.72!

The best deal of the week was the trash bags. I love being able to stock up necessities for less than a $1.00! As for all the free prepared food, that will donated. The tea will be served iced for an upcoming heat wave New England is supposed to be getting and the tomatoes and mayo will be part of a very tasty cold pasta salad.


Did you get anything for free?
