Too Much Indulgence? Never Hungover Can Help

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Here in New England, St. Patrick’s Day is a big deal, and the festivities were in full force yesterday. Obviously, I’m not Irish, but I have many wonderful friends who are, and I’m happy to share their holidays with them.

Normally, I’m a very light drinker. I probably average 2-3 occasions per year when I indulge. While I can’t tolerate green beer, I did enjoy a rum and Diet Coke with a lime. Because I drink so infrequently, even one drink can make me feel tipsy and somewhat uncomfortable the following day.


Rather than have fun now and pay for it later, I got smart and brought along some free samples of Never Hungover that I’d received.

Never Hungover is a hangover prevention drink that can be consumed as a shot or a mixer. Its comprised of a natural vitamin blend, antioxidants, amino acids, nutrients, and minerals. It’s formula helps neutralize and process the toxins caused by alcohol in the liver and kidneys, by turning them into acetic acid which is flushed out of the body, thus drastically reducing the cause of a hangover. It has zero carbs, calories, or sugars, and is also caffeine and gluten free.

The instructions are very simple: Take one shot per 4 drinks, up to an hour before or while consuming alcohol. I drank much less than 4, but had a whole bottle anyway. I found the taste to be a strong citrus, which was nice.

For adults of legal age who can drink responsibly, I think Never Hungover can be a useful product. It shouldn’t be abused, however, or as a tool to encourage binge drinking. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of cure. It certainly worked for me; I was able to enjoy myself and not wake up with a headache!
